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Solar Power And Powered Garden Lights-You Can Do It-Save Energy-Global Warming-Power Saving
Wed 24 Jan 2007 - 13:24
Solar Power And Powered Garden Lights-You Can Do It-Save Energy-Global Warming-Power Saving
By Simon Dorn
Solar power is basically free energy from the sun. Oh yeah you think nothing is for free. Well of course to start there is a cost which I am sure you are aware already - equipment, setting it up and applying the solar energy in a practical way.
Everyone thinks that you need to get the whole house converted before you can begin and that will cost thousands. Not an ideal solution for most people. The first thing you need to come up with is the idea for a use of all this free energy. Always the best method is to start small. Anyone can get started with their own mini home system in a weekend. You just need to think on a smaller scale.
What if I were to tell you that a small project will not cost thousands but a few hundred, now are you interested?
How about converting that dark garage, dingy shed or power free greenhouse to be on 220Volts AC or 110Volts AC electric? And I can do this for a few hundred. Does this sound too good to be true?
Here are some practical instructions you can use to put your own system together today.
1. Decide on what application you need.
2. Start to plan the system you need.
3. Carefully construct the system.
Here are some examples for step one.
Do you want to have free powered garden lights? Do you want a free powered mains electrical socket in the garage or greenhouse? Maybe you want a radio on during the day when you work...
Step two. Say we decided on a simple one, namely a free electrical socket in the garage. There are five things you need.
A). Enough wire for the project.
B). A deep cycle or gel battery (the same battery a golf buggy uses)
C). An electrical inverter
D). A Solar panel.
E). A charge controller.
Put the electrical inverter in a suitable place for you to use it. Then wire the inverter up to where the battery is. Once this is complete you can test the inverter and battery are working by plugging something into the power socket. Ok so that's the power sorted. Now onto the free power bit.
You need to put the solar panel in an ideal location. A south facing garage roof would be fine, if you don't have a garage then maybe the shed roof. You will need a slight slope in order for the panel to gather the most sunlight and to wash off any dirt when it rains.
Once the panel has been secured then you need to run the wire to the charge controller. The charge controller prevents the battery from being over charged and boiling the battery acid away.
The charge controller output then needs to be fed into the battery. Once you have secured all of the connections the system is now fully functional. Welcome to the amazing world of free power.
Simon Dorn is the owner of - the way to prevent global warming. He is passionate about everyone leading a greener life. The is a new invention that WILL reduce every household electricity bill.
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