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6 Beautiful Ways to Use Garden Arbors
Tue 27 Feb 2007 - 15:22
6 Beautiful Ways to Use Garden Arbors
By Leah Perry
There are many areas of a garden that need attention. The garden arbor is a brilliant way to combine many ideas into one location. The garden arbor has many virtues and at least six highly useful possibilities.
1. Garden Arbors Display Your Many Plants
Flower beds, shrubbery and plant life in your private garden are generally low to the ground. Therefore, all of the beauty is below eyesight. By implementing a well-placed garden arbor, you can draw the eye both up and down, allowing viewers to take in the garden in its entirety.
2. Garden Arbors Create a Natural Scenery Divide
Occasionally, when you look at a flourishing garden, your senses will become overwhelmed by the plethora of color and aroma. This feeling can be easily overcome with the strategic placement of garden arbors. By dividing your lawn with natural breaks, people can enjoy one section of botanical splendor at a time.
Another possibility is to set up paths and walkways, interspersed with garden arbors. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll along a winding path and see the garden in carefully delineated sections.
3. Garden Arbors Provide Growing Space for Neglected Plants
Vines, ivy and climbing plants are the oft-ignored flora in private gardens, but needn't be any longer. An arbor is the perfect home for these precocious plants, giving them exemplary conditions for growth. In particular, a wooden garden arbor takes to this vegetation very nicely. The warm, porous nature of wood encourages the steady growth of such plants and they will flourish elegantly along the arbor walls.
4. Garden Arbors Create Contrast to Floral Colors
The abundance of colorful floral hues begs for a bit of contrast. The robust, warm tones of natural wood provide just this balance. Whether you choose a sunny, beech-like finish or a handsome red cedar wood, the earthy look of an arbor provides a simple elegance and creates a dramatic contrast to the flowers.
5. Garden Arbors Define Property Lines
Definitive property lines are often a key ingredient to living harmoniously with neighbors. Rather than using wire or a coarse wooden fence to create privacy, try putting up a consecutive row of arbors. A row of garden arbors, with or without plant life adorning them, will create a clear boundary, keep your privacy private, and improve the entire look of the landscape.
6. Garden Arbors Create a Protection from Sudden Weather Changes
Garden arbors can be found in the common two side variety, or the less common three sided variety. Either style, in addition to all of the other remarkable uses, can serve as a shield against weather changes. Place a simple bench or set of chairs under an arbor structure for cover against a sun shower, intense heat and other uncomfortable weather exposure.
These are just a few of the many options garden arbors provide. The inherent beauty of garden arbors and their undeniable usefulness make them essential in any garden. With an arbor, you will both achieve a professional, polished look and find your garden more satisfying than ever before.
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