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House Cleaner Choice, 10 Lessons
Mon 14 Jan 2008 - 11:09
House Cleaner Choice, 10 Lessons
By []Ian Victor Harper
Lesson 1
Fatigue: Tiredness resulting from overwork can cause cleaners to lose their concentration. This will show in their work. If you are employing somebody to clean for you, ensure that, she or he is not overworking themselves so much, when they come to work for you that they are not at their best.
So how do you benefit from this? We have learnt that giving the right amount and size of work, for each person will put them in a relaxed, and unpressurred frame of mind, ensuring you of the very best clean every time.
Lesson 2
Prompt Response: How many times have you phoned a service provider to be put on hold, got no answer, find the line engaged. Or if you do get through you get that horrible message "your call is important to us, please hold you are in a queue."
So how do you benefit from this? Just because there is a demand for a service you don't want to take on so much that it affects your old clients and you start to lose them. Charging a reasonable amount of money so that this not happen.
Lesson 3
Honest Pricing: Guestamating is very wide spread in the cleaning industry.
So how do you benefit from this? Don't get caught by the guessing game. Have a written spec that can be price to and this way it's a measured price
Lesson 4
Matching the right kind of service to your needs: Missed matched clients with the many different types of cleaning services are common.
So how do you benefit from this? It's important that you are sure what type of service you are looking for. Services range from one to one personal service, to teams of two or more people, and from one off cleans, to weekly cleans, and job priced to hourly rate.
Match the wrong service with the wrong type of customer and it will not last long. So customers that think that because you cant find your preferred type of service that you can compromise. Don't as it will only last until you find the right type.
Lesson 5
Service predictability, As we have already said fatigue is one of the factors that affect the predictability of any cleaning service. One other is training.
So how do you benefit from this? Look for a company that guarantee their service.
Lesson 6
Confidentiality, When somebody comes into your home the last thing you need is your privacy invaded. Particularly if you work from home.
So how do you benefit from this? We have available to all our client a legal agreement that will protect them, and gives them a way to take action against any person that might use information gained through being nosy.
Lesson 7 Breakage's: Did you know that some cleaning companies will charge their staff for breakages? This is normally the excess on their insurance policy. This stops the company having to use their insurance; It puts off the staff member from reporting the damage or any breakages.
So how do you benefit from this? Make sure that staff not get charged.
Lesson 8
How professional are your cleaners? Check for qualifications, and training methods.
So how do you benefit from this? check because, most spend little, or no money on training and hygiene is a very impotent part of cleaning. You don't want cloths used in bathrooms and then in you kitchen
Lesson 9
Don't reward poor performance: Don't be put off changing your cleaner because "It is better the devil you know"
So how do you benefit from this? Quite frankly why pay for something that is not up to your expectations? By doing this you're sending the wrong signals.
Lesson 10
recommendations: We all know that it is the very best way to do business through recommendation, but this is not always possible.
So how do you benefit from this? If you find yourself having to use somebody that you don't know, ask for testimonials from current clients.
About the Author
Ian Harper owns and operates a carpet cleaning company, which specialises in the Bio and Eco friendly cleaning of carpets, and soft furnishings, using the most up-to-date efficient methods and micro-splitting, detergent-free, bleach-free solutions. You can learn more about these technologies by visiting the website for his Carpet Cleaners Network . also he gives marketing and start up advise on his forum and blog his latest project is Wikiclean a wiki for cleaning.
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