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A Powerful Garage Construction Plan Can Save You Thousands
Fri 05 Dec 2008 - 15:00
A Powerful Garage Construction Plan Can Save You Thousands
By []Thomas Johnsen
Most people who design their own garage construction plan often neglect the design of an aesthetical driveway to go with it. Most end up with a fairly uninspiring concrete or gravel driveway - either because these seem to be about the only available option to them, or they are simply too exhausted by the construction of the main building itself, and they have simply not much time and energy left to design a decent driveway. And this is a pity.
Concrete driveway
To start off, let's not vilify the concrete option: it's still a good option. Concrete is affordable, easy to clean, durable and drains water well. Unfortunately, laying concrete - or even asphalt involves a lot of work and you will probably require the services of a contractor. For these reasons, many people have decided, in their garage construction plan, against concrete and opted for a variety of other building materials for their driveway.
You may not know it yet but there are a huge number of other good alternatives for garage driveways while selecting garage construction plan.
Twin concrete strips
First, one can build, in the garage construction plan, a twin concrete strips. This means pouring two 2-foot wide concrete strips just enough for your tires to drive along. The most obvious advantage of this design, is that a twin concrete strip design is superbly affordable than laying concrete over the entire garage driveway width. It is also perfect for someone who does not have much time and energy left after a long garage designing exercise: just lay two parallel strips of concrete or asphalt and you are done!
The only problem with twin strips is that they easily sink - either under the pressure of your car or they simply disappear under the vegetation if the garden is poorly maintained.
Crushed limestone
The second driveway design option in garage construction plan is using crushed limestone. Here you can use a very wide variety of rocks: gravel, crushed rock and pebbles. This option is not always easy to maintain as the gravel tend to spread around and beyond the driveway itself. There is also the problem of weeds growing through the driveway over the years.
Acid stained concrete
Another great driveway idea I have seen recently is acid-stained concrete. It's very aesthetical but should me done by a specialist because of the obvious hazard of using a large quantity of acid.
Paver blocks
Let me also mention a beautiful option which blends the benefits of paver blocks with a nice green look: turfstone pavers. This type of garage driveway material lasts long and drains fairly well. But if you are on a limited budget then this might not be a good option for you: turfstone pavers are quite expensive.
Many people finally choose to go for the fairly classic paver blocks. Let's admit it; this is still a design great option, even if it involves a lot of additional work. Naturally, paving blocks are still pricier than concrete or asphalt. This type of driveway also last very long and can be a great aesthetic option in a garage construction plan.
Thomas Johnsen is the Author and Leading Expert on []affordable garage plans and the creator of []garage building for beginners. Visit his website for easy to understand step by step guides on garage planning available online today.
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