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Home & Garden Articles
Storm Windows And Garage Safety
Tue 12 Dec 2006 - 02:58
Storm Windows And Garage Safety
By Peter T. Wilson
The garage door is one of the first parts of a home to fail under high winds and flying debris. Wind can cause the door to break down and possibly let rainwater into your home. This can destroy your electronics and also cause irreparable damage to your furniture and other belongings. The structure of the house can also be compromised if this happens. When protecting your home from storm damage, you must take care to remember that high winds are a real threat to your garage door and this should also be fortified.
Many communities that reside in areas where hurricanes and tornadoes are common occurrences have taken extra precautions and installed reinforcement to their garage doors. The commonly used systems are passive systems that are built into your garage door and don't require any action on your part to activate in the case of a storm. An active system needs to some kind of action on your part before the storm to ensure home protection. Many times when you are installing storm windows or other hurricane window protection this would be a good time to think about installing such a product for your garage door. You can either buy a passive system that is already built in to your door or you can buy a garage door kit that will help you reinforce your door. When you install a storm window in the basement or garage, don't forget your door needs some work as well.
It can be very expensive to buy a whole new garage door, so you might want to go for a door reinforcement kit if you are on a limited budget. If you live in a very storm prone area than it would make sense to actually go all the way with a brand new garage door.
If you go with the reinforcement kit to save money, then you install devices that will help stop impact such as shutters or other panels. You can also find devices that do not use shutters to reinforce your garage door. If you have an impact resistant garage door, but you need something to help out with the wind than a bracing system would be the best bet for this type of door.
Make sure that you buy a product that has been tested and has proved to stand up in a heavy storm. You want to make sure the system can perform in both positive and negative wind pressure situations. If you need more advice then contact a garage door supplier in your city to find out about the best bracing systems available for your home.
Peter J. Wilson's long articles can be found on different online sites associated with hurricane repair and storm protection. His contributions on storm windows are found on his webpage in addition to other web pages.
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