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Home & Garden Articles
Painting Gutters
Fri 23 Oct 2009 - 15:33
Painting Gutters
By []Ron Jenkins
If your gutters need a makeover and you think a paint job is what you need, your right. Gutters need to be painted every two to three years. There are a number of paints that will do the job you need, but here are some tips to follow.
When buying paint for your gutters, you are going to need spray paint and you need to check the label. The spray paint needs to have adhesive glue and specifically state that it can be used on gutters. Make sure the spray paint also is weather resistant. You are going to need about six to twelve cans of spray paint.
When buying paint for your gutters make sure you buy a neutral color like brown, black, white, blue or brick brown. You don't want gutters that stand out in the worst way and attract your neighbor's ire and also unwanted birds to your property.
The best time to paint your gutter is actually in the fall. Most people think it should be in the summer or Spring but in fact, the fall make the work less intensive, no heat or hot weather and you can combine painting your gutter with cleaning them.
After spray painting your gutters, you need to make sure to use a paint glaze on them. There are a number of paint glazes, particular to gutters. You need about six to twelve cans of paint glaze but make sure to use the glaze a day after painting your gutters.
To read more about []gutter cleaning, visit []Gutter Guides.
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